Kinistin is named after Chief Kiništin ("Cree"), one of the headmen for Chief Ošāwaškokwanēpi. Chief Kiništin came to Saskatchewan from Western Ontario along with his two brothers, Miskokwanep ("Red [Crow-]Feather") and Mehcihcākanihs ("Coyote"). In 1901, lands were set aside for the Kinistin Band. Soon after the death of Chief Ošāwaškokwanēpi, the Yellow-quill Saulteaux Band divided into three groups, with the group originally headed by Chief Kiništin becoming the Kinistin Saulteaux Nation.

Our Vision:
We honour our past, present and future through our culture and traditions, to empower and inspire hope and positive change for our people.

Our Mission is to develop and implement an effective legislative, policy and program framework that will assist the Kinistin Saulteaux Nation in promoting full employment, business development, sustainable resource management, and effective human resource management. Kinistin has identified a need to develop initiatives that will foster a vibrant, and progressive future for all membership.